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Developmental Milestones


Difference between growth and development
Growth denotes a net increase in size or mass of tissues , while development denotes maturation of functions and acquisition of skills.
Growth is due to multiplication of cells while development is due to maturation and myelination of nervous system.
Growth is measured by Anthropometry and Growth charts, while Development is measured by Developmental milestones

Enumerate Key Gross Motor Milestones
This picture is taken from OP Ghai textbook of Paediatrics

Enumerate Key Fine Motor Milestones
This picture is taken from OP Ghai textbook of Paediatrics

Enumerate Key Social and Adaptive Milestones
This picture is taken from OP Ghai textbook of Paediatrics

Enumerate Key Language Milestones
This picture is taken from OP Ghai textbook of Paediatrics

Developmental Delay in specific cases:
  1. Thalassemia - Only Motor milestones delay
  2. Cerebral Palsy - Global developmental delay
  3. Down's syndrome - social and language developmental delay (mental retardation)
  4. Malnutrition child can have developmental delay
There will be Motor milestones delay in Thalassemia, not other milestones delay. Why?
Low Hb levels results in lethargy - baby shows inability to carry out motor activities. Thus, there will be motor milestones delay*

Causes for Global Developmental Delay
1. Cerebral Palsy
2. Rubella

Difference between delayed development and regression of milestones
Both presents with developmental milestones not attained appropriate for presenting age.
The difference is:
In regression of milestones, milestones have been attained normally by the child in the past. Then, all the previously attained milestones will be lost due to a disease.
In Delayed development, milestones have been never attained normally by child in the past.

Delayed development is seen in Cerebral Palsy or Post Meningitis sequelae
Regression of milestones seen in Neurodegenerative disease

Difference between history of Developmental Delay between CP, Post meningitis sequelae, Neurodegenerative disease
CP - All developmental milestones attained late
Post Meningitis Sequelae - At some age, fever comes and child do not attain milestones after that incident
Neuro degenerative disease - Child who attained milestones upto an age, starts to lose all previously attained milestones.